Psychic Force Puzzle Taisen

Emilio Mikaelov

Manual blurb

Emilio was a bullied child whose dearest wish was to be loved by everyone. Yes, like Wendy was.

"I'll get special training from Wendy so I can talk to cheerful people too!"

Emilio set off into town to look for Wendy.


Translated by foxinthestars, original available here


Emilio was a shy, sad young boy who was picked on a lot. He thought, wouldn’t it be nice to become a cheerful kid everyone would love? Cheerful... Of course! Wendy was cheerful and popular with everyone, and even he could talk to her...

Emilio: Yes! So I can talk to cheerful people, I’ll get special training from Wendy!

And so Emilio went out into town looking for Wendy.

Round 1: Kokugi-Kan

Genma: You! Listen to me. You should put in your money and be on your way!

Emilio: Wahh! I’ve heard about this guy shaking people down! What should I do?

Genma: Even children have to contribute. Otherwise you never know, there could be dark days ahead for you.*



Emilio: I feel a little more confident now. Thanks, Mister!

*Translator’s note: this line is a pun that I was trying to find a natural-sounding English stand-in for; I would translate it like “Otherwise you never know if you’ll meet with some misfortune,” but the phrase for misfortune, “itai me,” literally means “painful eyes,” and Emilio seems to take it as a dig at his Power of Light. Not that he needs a reasonable pretext, as you’ll see...

Round 2: Karaoke-Box

Brad: Emilio, how are you today?

Emilio: Brad... Say, you know Wendy, right?

Crazy!Brad: Screw whether I know her! Just shut up and listen to my song!!

Emilio: I knew it... IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWER!


Emilio: Aahh, that was scary. I’d better find Wendy quick.

Round 3: Psychic Tower

Emilio: Um, I’m looking for Wendy, but...

Keith: What is this, not speaking clearly? Why are you always like that?

Emilio: Why do you have to get mad at me? Why does everybody...? IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWER!!

Keith: Uagh! I’m not really angry, calm down!


Emilio: Oh, I guess you were just telling me because you were worried about me. Sorry.

Round 4: Amusement Park

Gates: Target Confirmed. Children must not loiter in amusement areas. Initiating adult supervision.

Emilio: Uwahh! Why do I need adult supervision from this guy!? Just one thing after another... IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWER!!

Gates: ...?


Emilio: Again, that horrible power... went off by mistake.

Round 5: Convenience Store

Emilio: Aah, Wendy---! ...Isn’t here, it’s this jerk.

Wong: Heh, this store is part of my syndicate. I simply can’t allow you to leave without buying something.

Emilio: Such a high-class person saying such a low-class thing... IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWER!


Emilio: I’m better off not being friends with such a stingy guy!

Round 6: Psychic Burger

Emilio: Where’s Wendy?

Burn: Oh, yeah, she took off in a hurry a little while ago.

Emilio: Why couldn’t she be patient and wait for me? IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWER!!

Burn: It always comes to that, huh?


Emilio: Wendy, where are you? Stop running away from me!

Round 7: Bay Side Park

Emilio: Wendy! ...or so I thought. What is this? It’s Sonia?

Sonia: What do you mean “What is this”? If you want to see Wendy, you’ll have to defeat me. ...Not. ^_~

Emilio: Fine! If that’s the way it is, I’ll defeat you, and then I’ll defeat Wendy, too! IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWER!!

Sonia: Wait! It was a joke! Stop and listen to people, will you??


Emilio: Here I come, Wendy! I’ll defeat you---and I’ll surpass you!!

Final Round: Central Building

Emilio: I finally found you, Wendy! It’s all because of this power!!

Wendy: Uh, Emilio, what’s the matter? Wait a minute!

Emilio: I’m done waiting! I’ll defeat you, and then I’ll be the most popular kid in Psychic Town!!

Wendy: Somehow I don’t think that’s the problem...


Wendy: Sticking with that to the bitter end, huh?



Emilio: I did it! Now I’m adorable!

Thus Emilio vanquished all his foes. There was no longer anyone who picked on him or made fun of him. However...

Brad: It- it’s Emilio! Run!!

Wong: He certainly has become unreasonable.

Emilio: Why did it turn out like this!? ...Is it all because of this power?

Everyone Else: NO IT’S NOT!!