Burn Griffith
Manual blurb
One fine day, Burn saw a number of people out enjoying sports and felt the passion pounding in his blood as well.
"I'll make a team and play some football too!"
Burn sets off to recruit team members, starting with his best friend Keith.
Translated by foxinthestars, original available here
One fine morning, Burn went for a walk by the river. He felt the passion of the sports lover stirring in his blood.
Burn: Yes! I’ll get a team together and play some football!
He set out to gather a team, starting with his best friend, Keith.
Round 1: Bay Side Park
Burn: Gates, are you sleeping in the park again? Say, how about playing football with me?
Gates: I am not “sleeping;” I am camping! I will terminate you.
Burn: If you lose, you have to join my team!
Burn: Great! That was just right for a warm-up!
Round 2: Psychic Burger
Wendy: Welcome to Psychic Burger! Would you like fries with---? Burn?
Burn: Wendy, what are you doing working in a place like this? The passionate, manly world of football is calling!
Wendy: But I’m a dainty girl! Why should I have to do stuff like that!?
Burn: There’s no romance in your soul. Let’s decide it with a game!
Burn: Wendy, I’m making you the scorekeeper.
Round 3: Convenience Store
Brad: Hey, Burn! Nice day, isn’t it?
Burn: Oh, Brad! You play football, too, right?
Crazy!Brad: Huhh? What the hell are you on about!? You’re making me sweat as it is --- back off!
Burn: What was that!?
Brad: Wha? Did I say something?
Burn: I’ll just have to put you on the team, too.
Round 4: Amusement Park
Burn: Keith’s not here, huh...? Hey, Emilio! You shouldn’t be in a sunless place like this! Come play with us and work up a healthy sweat!
Emilio: Please leave me alone...
Burn: See, that’s why you get picked on all the time.
Emilio: Waah! It’s all because of this power!!
Burn: Emilio, sports are a great way to work off all that power!
Round 5: Karaoke-Box
Burn: Where is Keith, anyway...? Hey, Electric Lady!
Sonia: I am not an electric lady! Besides, what are you to my Keith- sama??
Burn: Best friend.
Sonia: And you’re this rude to me, his girlfriend! Game on!
Burn: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to get Keith on the team, too.
Round 6: Kokugi-Kan
Burn: Keith wouldn’t be in a place like this... I’ll look somewhere else.
Genma: Wait up there! If you want to know where Keith is, you’ll have to give me all your money!
Burn: Pheh! No way. I’ll just get it out of you by force!
Burn: Wait for me, Keith! I’ll definitely get you on my team!
Round 7: Psychic Tower
Wong: If you’re looking for Keith, he’s not here. Heh heh heh heh...
Burn: Oh, Wong. You’re a jerk, but I’ll give you a chance. Join my football team. Oh, and tell me nicely where Keith is.
Wong: Well, aren’t you a fool? When a person begs for something, he should first get on his knees.
Burn: Who’s gonna do that, dammit!? You get on your knees!
Burn: There! And stay on your knees! Keith, here I come!
Final Round: Central Building
Burn: I finally found you. You’re my best friend, you must understand my passion for football!
Keith: I’m afraid I can’t say that I do. I have a better idea. Won’t you join me and be avid readers together?
Burn: Keith, you’re wrong! Beautiful days like this are for playing outside!
Keith: It seems we have no choice but to fight...
Keith: Burn, what are you going to do with nine people? For football, you need eleven.
Burn: Dangit! We’ll just have to play baseball.
Thus was born the amateur baseball team “The Psychiccers” who practiced every day, morning and evening, and won many games. However, they were unable to play football at all. What will the future bring for Burn and his manly passion!?
Burn: I’ll never give up---never!