Terry Bogard
Never forget the monkey.
The Beloved Eternal Hungry Wolf

My translation | Official translation |
Terry: Whew, all done! Hey Mary, let's get some drinks! | Terry: Okay! Time to party! |
Mary: Sure, where are we going? | Mary: Yeah! Where're you taking me? |
Terry: Heheh, that's a secret! | Terry: Heh ,heh. That's my little secret. |
Joe: Dammit! Those two have all the fun... | Joe: I really hate those two people! |
One difference: Terry is specifically talking to Mary in his first line, she doesn't just pop in. It's a bit more obscure as to why Mary is showing up in English, though it's not like, super confusing.
The next two lines are entirely down to phrasing differences. I like the official version here.
The idea with Joe's line is that Terry and Mary are going off and having fun by themselves, which is why he's mad. It's still there in English, but it's also possible that Joe just really hates PDAs or something. The words are different, but the idea ends up about the same.
Win Quotes
vs Terry

My translation | Official translation |
You'll never win by just imitating people! | You can't win simply through poor imitation! |
This is pretty straight, though the English specifies that the imitation is "poor".
vs Andy

My translation | Official translation |
I didn't hold back this time, Andy! | I'm not pullin' any punches Andy-boy! |
The new SNK: the translation is good, it's just got a slightly goofy flavor. "Andy-boy" is probably a bit over the top, but overall it's debatably better than my uninspired version.
vs Joe

My translation | Official translation |
You...you never change, do you. | Just as dumb as ever ,twit! |
I take that back true SNK never dies
Anyway we're back to turning up the insults for no understandable reason. The last time we saw "twit" was over in AoF2 and nowhere else, so this is some cross-series insult pollination.
vs Mai

My translation | Official translation |
Knock it off already! Andy's worried. | Hey ,get it together! Andy'll worry! |
The Japanese is a set phrase meaning "cut it out", and the official translation and I took that in two different directions. But the basic idea is there.
vs Duck

My translation | Official translation |
I've got a pretty good rhythm too, Duck! | I got rhythm ,too , Duckster! |
"-ster" is back, accordingly after Real Bout. The English is a bit edited, but other than that it's not actually different.
vs Tung Fu Rue

My translation | Official translation |
Master Tung! Thank you! | It was a pleasure , Master Tan! |
So it's still Master Tan. It's been four years, SNK. Four years!
Otherwise, these are still eerily similar to how they were back in FFS, which makes sense. Kind of a bummer the official one isn't a perfect match, though.
vs Bob

My translation | Official translation |
Richard's capoeira is way better! | Richard's capoella is awesome! |
What I suspect happened here was an innocent mistake: there's just one word in Japanese that turns this from the official version to mine, and it's easily possible for some rushed translator to have read over it. I'm not sure the editor even got to this line, it doesn't seem to have their touch.
"Capoella" is a new one, by the way. Six years on and not only can SNK not spell capoeira, they can't misspell it consistently from game to game. It's incredible.
vs Billy

My translation | Official translation |
You know you can't beat me, Billy! | Billy! You know you can't beat me. |
Sometimes the official translator and I are on the same wavelength. Mostly when there's just not that many ways to handle a line.
vs Geese

My translation | Official translation |
This is it, Geese! | It's over , Geese! |
Just slightly different phrasing. The official version is probably better.
vs Krauser

My translation | Official translation |
I can't lose! No, not even to you! | I can't lose! Even to you! |
vs Laurence

My translation | Official translation |
Sorry pal, but I'm no bull. | Too bad for you , I'm no dumb bull! |
This almost feels like someone touched it up a bit. It's interesting that we both went for the collequial "I'm no bull" phrasing.
vs the Jin brothers

My translation | Official translation |
Thinking about what you'll be in ten years sends shivers down my spine... | You got a great future! |
Okay, now I've got something to talk about!
So what Terry uses in Japanese is an onomatopoeia that suggests trembling, shivering, tension, and excitement. So there's a bit of ambiguity on how he feels about the Jins' future: if he's nervous about their skills, or excited at the idea of fighting them when they're stronger. "Shivers down my spine" was the best way I could think of to handle that same ambiguity in English, though I think it leans a bit too far to the nervous side.
Anyway obviously all of that is way too long to fit into the highly-restricted UI, so the English just goes all in on the excited side and has Terry say the Jins are going to be great in the future. There's not even any implication that he wants to fight them like there is in the Japanese. It ends up considerably more hopeful about their reform than the Japanese is.
vs Yamazaki

My translation | Official translation |
Stop hitting below the belt so much! | Take a few more lessons , palooka! |
Strictly, the Japanese is saying that Yamazaki needs to fight with a little more honesty/uprightness, which in English sounds more like Kim than Terry. I did my best.
The English sounds like the editor saw "you need to fight a little better" and worked some magic. Terry isn't saying Yamazaki isn't skilled at fighting, but that's what the English turns into.
For reference, a palooka is an unskilled boxer and no one knows where the word came from. The usage does fit in with the rest of the sentence, so it wasn't picked randomly...neat.
vs Mary

My translation | Official translation |
See you next time! | Tell we meet once again ,be cool ,fool! |
The editor had a lot of fun with this one. Honestly, it's only the "fool" that really pushes this over the edge, since before that it's just a colorful way of saying the same basic idea as in Japanese. So once again, SNK jams in a random insult on a pretty good translation and really changes the whole line. It keeps happening.
Oh, and there's a typo. Like I said on the main page, I think the editor was rushed for this game.
vs Cheng

My translation | Official translation |
Um, hey...did you put on a couple pounds? | Put on a few pounds, have you? |
Terry's a little more reluctant to broach the subject in Japanese. Other than that, this is the same.
vs EX Andy

My translation | Official translation |
A shadow of the Shiranui? Andy's got problems too, huh. | A Shiranui ninja? Andy's got it bad! |
Screenshot thanks to Rage Quitter 87. Thank you!
I wasn't entirely sure how to handle this one. EX Andy's deal is apparently he's Andy's dark side, just like how EX Mary is Mary's. So in that sense, he's a shadow. But Terry says "Shiranui", which makes it sound more like it's bigger than just Andy. So I dunno.
The English just drops the whole "shadow" thing and just says EX Andy's a Shiranui ninja. Which makes the rest of Terry's line make a little less sense, because the idea is that Terry is sympathizing with Andy for having darkside problems. This is more obscure in English, and I suspect whoever was working on this probably had even less of an idea of what was up with EX Andy than I do.
vs others

My translation | Official translation |
Whew! What a workout! | What a workout! |
Can't always end on a high note!