EX Blue Mary
Somehow I'm even worse with her than regular Mary?!

My translation | Official translation |
EX Mary: Heheheh...I'll do you a favor and make you my pet. | EX Mary: I'm gonna make you my pet! |
Terry: H-hey! Don't I get a say in this? | Terry: You just try it , chump! |
EX Mary: He was secretly happy, I can tell. Heheheh. | EX Mary: You want it and you know it! |
Joe: If Terry doesn't want to, I'll be your pet! | Joe: Hey ,I'll be your little pet! |
EX Mary: Idiot! You'd be a real pet! | EX Mary: Idiot! You'ld be too real a pet! |
Yeah, this is all pretty similar. Terry's line is a bit changed tonally, where in Japanese it's a bit more flustered, while in English it's more aggressive. EX Mary's next line is more aggressive in English as well. It kind of feels like in Japanese you can think "huh, maybe he is secretly happy", where in English it sounds like the setup for porn a horror movie.
I guess EX Mary doesn't want to have to take Joe out for walkies.
Win Quotes
vs Terry

My translation | Official translation |
I want to watch your face twisted in pain for a little bit longer. | I want to see you suffer more! |
"Suffering face"..."see you suffer"..."face twisted in agony"...there are a few ways to handle it and I went with the wordiest version, as is my wont. The official translation had many more restrictions.
EX Mary does specify "a little" in Japanese, but it's not a big thing to drop. Other than that, this is basically the same.
vs Andy/Duck/Hon Fu

My translation | Official translation |
You won't be moving so quickly after feeling my techniques. | You can't outrun my true power! |
This is weird. Japanese EX Mary says that the fast characters won't be able to move around as well after eating some of her moves (because broken bones), which makes sense. The English EX Mary brags about her true power and how fast it is. I honestly don't know how they got from A to B here. It doesn't feel like the editor got to it, and there's no obvious point for confusion. I'm at a loss.
vs Mai/Mary

My translation | Official translation |
You're the kind of woman I hate the most. | I really hate women like you! |
I'm too wordy, as usual.
vs Billy

My translation | Official translation |
That pole of yours is pretty useless, isn't it? | Better trade your cudgel for a gun! |
So the idea is there...sort of. And Mary does have a gun (it's in her Real Bout ending!), so maybe that's where the idea came from?
Apparently sometime decided to call Billy's bo a cudgel in this game, because it's also in Franco's win quote. The last time that happened was in the home console ports of Fatal Fury 2/Special. It's kind of odd they'd do that all of a sudden.
Very strange.
vs Geese

My translation | Official translation |
The woman who defeated Geese...people will like that. | You beat Geese? Show your stuff! |
I want to call this subject confusion, but how could it be confusing? There's only two contexts for lines in the entire game, and Mary specifies "woman"! Who could she be talking to?
In Japanese, Mary says she'll gain prestige from beating Geese, which I wrestled with for a bit and settled on "people will like that". I also considering saying "that's good advertising", but that felt like a stretch. Either way, "show your stuff" doesn't make a lot of sense.
vs Krauser

My translation | Official translation |
You're pretty cool... | You're great! |
I think it's funny EX Mary thinks Krauser is the best.
vs Laurence

My translation | Official translation |
That outfit is completely out of place. | Not a bad looking opponent! |
Kishi and I put our heads together for this one.
I think the translator/editor didn't pick up on the idiom here (勘違いもいいとこね == huge misunderstanding/completely crazy), saw いいとこ (good thing), and went for it. That feels kind of shaky, but it's all I got.
vs the Jin brothers

My translation | Official translation |
I'm sick of babysitting. | I hate this baby-sitting stuff! |
I don't think I've ever seen "babysitting" hyphenated before.
vs Yamazaki

My translation | Official translation |
Your eyes are the only scary thing about you...heheheh. | Only your glare is scaly , wimp! |
...how on earth did that typo happen?
The letters aren't close to each other on the keyboard, scary/scaly are not easily confused words for English speakers, it doesn't make sense as L-R confusion, so what is it? Kishi theorized maybe the editor used L-R confusion as a joke, but why here?
It's so bizarre.
"Wimp" makes a lot of sense here, though. Feels reasonable.
vs Mary

My translation | Official translation |
Your attacks are too gentle. | You have no attack , dude! |
Well, it's the same idea.
"You have no attack" feels...weirdly modern. I don't remember that construction reaching back to the 90s, but I guess it did?
vs Cheng

My translation | Official translation |
It's hard to get a grip on you with all that sweat. | You sweat like the pig you are! |
Wow harsh
The English drops that Cheng is slippery because of his sweat, and that makes grappling him difficult. It does add in a more direct insult, which is expected. That said, the Japanese is probably intended to come off harsher than it sounds in direct translation.
vs EX Mary
My translation | Official translation |
That's your punishment for imitating me...heheheh. | You're weak , but beautiful! |
Okay, so as usual I'm taking other people's word for this, but man, what happened here? I can't see any way in which these relate to each other, which is completely out of place for EX Mary - most of these translations are pretty straight with a bit of editor's touch. Then this is just completely made up.
I guess Mary complimenting her own looks makes sense as a joke, and that joke has come up before...see Ukyo from SamSho1, Franco from FF3, and Hon Fu from this very game. It just...has nothing to do with the Japanese...
vs others

My translation | Official translation |
The sound of cracking bones...it's such a thrill. | You're bones are creaking! |
The English version drops that EX Mary loves the sound of cracking bones, which is an important bit of characterization. The line then just becomes a bland statement of fact, with an added typo. Regrettable.