Ryuji Yamazaki
TL note: "Kocchi da ze!" means "press D".
Story 1

My translation | Official translation |
Ripper: Here's the current winner, Mr. Geese. | Ripper: Mr. Geese, that's the current champion. |
Geese: ... | Geese: Hmph! |
Story 2

My translation | Official translation |
I'd heard you were strong, but this is beyond my expectations. This is going to be fun. | Hmm. I heard of your strength, but the rumors serve you short. This'll be fun. |
Hey, this is pretty good. "[S]erve you short" is kind of strange, the more usual phrasing is "sell you short". I'm not sure if that's a typo, a phrasing I've never heard of, or just someone getting their wires crossed. But past that, it's a perfectly good handling of the line.
Story 3

My translation | Official translation |
The secret scrolls? You came to steal that garbage? What a fool... | Secret scrolls? You're willing to die for that garbage? Well ,okay,let me help you! |
Same as Mai. Well, Yamazaki would be more interested in the scrolls than Mai would....
Story 4

My translation | Official translation |
Yamazaki: Hehehehehe...it's time it's time IT'S TIME! Kiss yer ass goodbye, Geese! | Yamazaki: Hah,hah,hah. Here at last! Meet your doom,Geese! |
Geese: Tch! Filthy rat! | Geese: Oooh,you rat! |
I really tried to punch Yamazaki up a little to make him sound more like he does in Japanese. It gives the impression he's a bit toned down in English, but it's a perfectly good translation. Just that this line actually could've used a bit of SNK flavor.
Geese's line is...about the same, though I question the "oooh" a bit.
Win Quotes
vs Terry/Billy/Chonrei

My translation | Official translation |
Heheheh, ya weakling...get outta my face! | What a loser. Don't show your face again! |
Yamazaki speaks in a very rough, Yakuza sort of style (as you'd expect), so there are lots of different ways to handle what he's saying. So bearing that in mind, these are both pretty similar, in that they both have Yamazaki looking down on his opponent for being weak and telling them to get lost.
In general, the translators do seem to have made an effort to make Yamazaki sound rougher than the rest of the cast. His lines would stand out, and they're obviously from a rough punk type, so that helps a lot. Even if you just see one of his lines in isolation, it's obvious what kind of character he is.
vs Andy/Bob/Honfu/Sokaku/Duck King

My translation | Official translation |
I don't got the time to care about you losers. | Take a hike. I don't have the time for scum like you! |
Yep. Again, this is mostly just differences in how to make Yamazaki sound like a jerk.
vs Joe/Franco/Chonshu

My translation | Official translation |
Heheheh...this's great. There ain't nothin' better than power! | Being this strong is a natural buzz. Kids,don't do drugs! |
...and then there's this.
I sense the hand of the editor at work here. Thinking about it, I wonder how much they really did with Yamazaki...most of his lines could've been handled by the translator just trying to make him sound like a punk in English, without the extra dose of weird the editor would add. But the generally good translation Yamazaki (and the rest of the game) gets suggests that at some point they got a native speaker to be translator as well, as opposed to the stilted and rough lines from Fatal Fury 1 and 2.
Anyway, the first part of the official translation is more-or-less fine, though "natural buzz" was definitely picked to go with the "don't do drugs!" line. The rest...well, WINNERS DON'T DO DRUGS WILLIAM S. SESSIONS FBI.
vs Mai

My translation | Official translation |
Hey hey missy, ya done already? I wanted to play some more, heheheh.... | Done so soon,sweety? It was just getting fun! |
And we're back to lines being basically a matter of how each translator decided to handle Yamazaki's character voice. The basic intent is there in both cases.
vs Yamazaki

My translation | Official translation |
Hurry up and scram...or I'll kill ya. | Get lost,or I'll Kill you! |
Here we see some copy-editing problems, like have been scattered throughout the game. It's pretty minor, though, and I can see how the little extra capital got missed in the rush.
vs Kim

My translation | Official translation |
You got the feeling of one a those guys...the ones I hate. Tch! Disgusting. | I hate guys who don't bathe! Now I'll clean your clock! |
And here's our one mistranslation for the page. And it's a pretty understandable one, where Yamazaki does literally say that Kim has "a smell he(Yamazaki) hates", but it's like how in English you can say someone has "the scent of a playboy" or something and it means they seem like they're a playboy and not that they actually smell. Yamazaki's just saying that Kim has the feeling of being the kind of guy Yamazaki hates, i.e. someone that is into justice and upright living and all the things that Kim is for.
SNK's translator, going fast, probably just saw that Yamazaki was saying something about hated smells and figured that meant the opponent was stinky. Or possibly the translator did a rough pass using "smell" and the editor came in later, because this does have a bit of a tinge of the editor about it.
Either way, Yamazaki is speaking metaphorically here and Kim probably does bathe.
vs Geese

My translation | Official translation |
Heheh...yer time's over, old man. | Heh,heh,heh. Your time is over,grandpa. |
Look, there are only so many quick and easy ways to translate that phrase, okay?