Franco Bash
He's...still here, I guess.
Listen, when you make a game in nine months you can't cut fully sprited characters.
Story 1

My translation | Official translation |
Ripper: Here's the current winner's picture, Mr. Geese. | Mr.Geese,we got this graphic of the guy. |
Geese: ... | Geese: Hmph! |
Not the same as Terry! Sorry, I lied in an earlier edition of the page none of you can prove existed anymore. This is only half the same as Terry, with the important line being completely different.
The English is a little less specific about why Ripper is showing Geese the player picture, but it makes sense in context. Other than that the lines are very similar in meaning.
Story 2

My translation | Official translation |
A kickboxer, huh? Heheh.... | A kick boxer? Hah,hah,hah. |
Kickboxer generally doesn't have a space in it in English. There's also a bit of difference in Geese's laugh, where the English cuts out the ellipses for whatever reason. Mysterious!
Story 3

My translation | Official translation |
I'll test your strength. Hurry, advance through the tournament and face me. Ahahahah... | I can't wait to see how strong you are,big boy. |
Story 4

My translation | Official translation |
Franco: Geese! I'm here to make you hear the ten count! | Franco: Geese,I've come to make you hear the ol' ten count! |
Geese: Franco Bash...I could use that man. After defeating him, I'll make him my underling. | Geese: Franco Bash. I could use you. How'bout joining me... after I cave in your face? |
Franco's line is pretty straight, though the random "ol'" in there is a strange addition. It sounds weirdly folksy.
In Japanese Geese sounds like he's speaking to himself, not to Franco. This is changed in the English version. The line is also written in a very colloquial style, which is...not how I've been writing Geese. "[A]fter I cave in your face" is a heck of a line, though.
Win Quotes
vs Terry

My translation | Official translation |
How's that, Terry? I bet you sure felt that punch! | Like the taste of my fist,Terry? You twerp! |
They're similar, but as usual the English is considerably punched up and takes the Franco-Terry relationship from "friendly rivalry" to "SNK rivalry". "Twerp" is a new SNK insult, though. I am honestly impressed they managed to keep coming up with these.
vs Andy/Bob/Honfu/Kim/Chonshu

My translation | Official translation |
Let's stop here for today! | Okay,that's all for today! |
Behold the start of Andy getting the generic winquote. It's very rare for a character to get a special winquote against Andy if they're not one of the four characters that gets a unique quote for everyone in the game. SORRY ANDY.
Anyway, these are very very similar. Not much to say here.
vs Joe

My translation | Official translation |
Seems like I'm the one with the stronger punch. | Call me the"King of Punch. " |
A pretty generic line in Japanese is spiced up in English, but this time it's done well. Instead of Franco bragging about how he's got a stronger punch than Joe, it plays off Fatal Fury 3's King of Kick with a twist. Cute! least, I assume they were calling back to "King of Kick". I hope they were. It makes sense, right?
They probably were.
vs Franco

My translation | Official translation |
Now, how about you go home and play catch with Junior? | Go home,slick,and play catch with your rug rat! |
Japanese Franco is one of the only characters to be friendly to his doppelganger, telling the guy to go home and be with his son. It's a bit ambiguous if Franco is assuming the doppelganger has his own Junior or if he's trying to foist his kid off on 2P Franco, but it's still pretty nice for a mirror match quote. Then the English version punches it up so that while the basic meaning is the same, it's a lot less friendly. Very SNK!
I can't buy Franco calling any version of Junior a rug rat.
vs Mai/Mary

My translation | Official translation |
It's better if you give up now, miss! | Oh,go home,honey. |
There's a similar idea here, and I can see how the English came out of the Japanese. Franco is more dismissive in English, but there's less of an implication of "just give up fighting". Or at least that's how it feels to me.
vs Billy/Yamazaki/Chonrei/Geese

My translation | Official translation |
Just keep napping down there! | Now go to sleep,junior. |
The baddies often get their own generic quote.
If I was doing this for real I'd probably go with "And stay down!" or something, because a literal translation doesn't really have the right effect. But then I'd have to explain why mine didn't mention sleeping, which he is in Japanese...ah, the troubles of a fan translator.
The English ends up feeling a bit punched down. Franco doesn't like villains, but it's hard to tell from the translation. Definitely feels like they grabbed out one word and built the translation around that.
vs Sokaku/Duck King

My translation | Official translation |
I got no time for weaklings! | I have no time for losers. |
What a random couple of characters. Not sure why they didn't get mashed into the Andy/Bob/Honfu/Kim/Chonshu quote...just wanted to spread the love a bit? Franco ends up with seven different win quotes, which is better than Bob or Billy, who only get six. But they did seem to want a bit of variety of generic quotes, so breaking this out a bit might've been an attempt at making sure Franco wasn't saying the same thing to half the cast.
Well, anyway...this is about the same in both languages. I tried to add a bit of character to it, but really...very similar.
Sometimes it's like that.