Franco Bash
They got a native English speaker to record Franco's lines, so the voice acting matches the English text. The wonders of simultaneous translation.
Win with normal move

My translation | Official translation |
Just sleep. | Just lie down and sleep. You've had a rough day. |
The English is expanded and makes Franco sound a lot more caring. Cute.
Win with special move

My translation | Official translation |
Now my engine's running! Let's keep it going! | Now I'm cooking! Once I get going, I am just a dynamo! |
The English moves the engine metaphor to the second sentence in the service of adding a nice bit of idiom to the first part. I dig it!
Win with super move

My translation | Official translation |
To take a hit like that and're pretty tough. | Not many people can take a blow like that! You're quite a fighter, slick! |
I really like this translation. I left the Japanese a bit bland, but the English jazzes it up in a way that works great. "Slick" is a bit odd, but I dunno, I think it sounds like the sort of thing Franco would say.
Win with hidden super

My translation | Official translation |
Hey, are you okay? Still alive? | Holy Christmas!!! Don't know my own strength. Are you okay...Yew hooo! Uh, oh... |
Kishi got all the hidden supers for me, because I am bad at fighting games.
The English adds in Franco being surprised about his strength, which fits in with the theme of hidden supers (they're explicitly things the character didn't know they could do). I've never seen that way of writing down "yoo hoo" before, but I can give allowances for something that is pretty much never written down. Apparently it's considered to be slightly old-fashioned? News to me...