Ryo Sakazaki
Has only two lines, so he's my favourite character in the entire game.
Ryo has a title and quote in the SNES manual, but since it's only the SNES manual and I don't have a Japanese source, there's nothing for me to do there. You can take a look if you want.
Fatal Fury Special
Normal intro

My translation | Official translation |
Glad to see ya. Wanna decide who the number one is here and now? | Great! Can you win the No.1, maybe,or I? |
You can get this by getting to Ryo, having someone else put a quarter in, and winning that fight. I never would've found it if I didn't already know it was there.
This is a bit oddly phrased, but the idea is pretty clear. The surprising part is that this doesn't sound like a native speaker wrote it. Like "what a tough" it's missing a word, and the entire phrasing of the second sentence is incredibly stilted. But it's not hyper-literal either, so...it's weird.
Normal win

My translation | Official translation |
You sure were tough. How about it? Wanna go again? | Hmm. Not bad. One more time on the house. N O T! |
Wayne's World will never die as long as NOT exists in the heart of SNK...puff...
So unlike the previous line, this is...not incoherent, but an incredibly bizarre use of "not!" The last time we saw it, back with Terry, was a fairly normal usage even if it was a bad translation. Here it's just kind of shoved on to the end. Is Ryo saying he's going to charge you for the next match?
...oh. Because you have to put in another quarter. Of course.
I literally just got that joke. All right, mystery solved! Once you think about it long enough to understand what the hell Ryo is trying to say it all drips into place like blood and syrup. I feel like I should dock it points for confusing even me, but hey, this entire project is a learning experience.
Once you get the joke, it's not that bad a translation! Ryo compliments the player and offers to have another match, it's all there. Feels like this line got a bit of extra polish. ...into a bizarre meta-joke, but that's SNK for you.
This line isn't changed on the SNES version so the joke doesn't make sense again.