Psychic Force


Character profile

-Psychic Force the Perfect World/pretty much every other guidebook

A bioroid installed with psychic amplifiers, developed in Wong's private research laboratory. Wendy's sister, Chris, was involved in the project.

But during development, an incident occurred. Though the cause was unknown, the results were that Chris's mind was absorbed into Sonia's artificial mind, and in the process, all her previous memories were lost. And because of the instability the artificial psychic powers created inside her, she must be injected with a tranquilizer on a strict schedule or she'll go out of control.

-Psychic Force Character Collection/Psychic Force Perfect Guide Book (Gamest Mook EX vol 12)

Gamest extended script

episode 1

Sonia noticed a psychiccer following her: Burn, a man who had raised his flag against NOA...and Keith. To oppose Keith was something Sonia could never allow. She turned to face her opponent.

Burn: You're one of Keith's followers, aren't you? Take me to him!

Sonia: All right...that is, if you can defeat me first.


Burn was stronger than Sonia had expected; after the fight she couldn't manage to stand up for some time.

Sonia: It's too bad... If only you could've used your power for Sir Keith's sake...

episode 2

Sonia felt a strong power from within the dark forest, but somehow, it was different from that of a psychiccer. Suddenly, a bright light flew towards her from the darkness. She repelled it with a barrier guard, revealing an ofuda that turned into light as it fell. The magician Genma, the origin of the light, stepped out of the darkness around them.

Genma:'re not human are you, girl?

Sonia: You intend to fight me with that cheap stage magic? Do you really expect to win?


Genma fell at Sonia's feet. Sonia gazed coldly at the body.

Sonia: You humans cannot beat us, no matter how hard you train.

episode 3

Gates sensed a psychic power and immediately searched for a match in his data banks. Match found: Sonia.

Gates: Target confirmed! Prepare yourself.

Gates attacked at the same moment Sonia noticed his presence.

The army's anti-psychiccer cyborg, the enemy of all psychiccers. And so, an enemy of NOA.

Sonia: Whoever you are, I won't let you stand in Sir Keith's way!


Gates' electrical systems and weapons were burned out completely. He could no longer move.

Sonia: Did you really think I would lose to you? I, who fight for my ideals?

episode 4

In the midst of pure, pitch-black darkness, Sonia caught a feeling - a flash of murderous desire. Someone was approaching, someone who wanted her dead. When the person's figure finally appeared before her, she saw it was her comrade and fellow member of NOA: Brad.

Brad licked his lips as he approached, his eyes glowing with the red light of madness.

Brad: Heheheheheh....I'm going to slice that pretty little face of yours up!

Sonia: Calm down, Brad! It's me! Don't you recognize me?

Her words did not break through and return Brad to sanity. His power only continued to grow...

Sonia resigned herself to battle.


When it was over, Sonia fell to her knees beside her comrade without a second thought and spoke to him, even though his eyes would remain forever shut....

Sonia: Brad...what were you living for?

episode 5

Sonia found Emilio. (caught a glimpse of his form?) Emilio didn't look like anything other than a normal boy - if anything, he looked more delicate than normal. But in truth, hidden within him was a power terrifying in its extent.

For the sake of NOA, Emilio had to be eliminated. Sonia prepared to strike.

At that moment, Emilio noticed Sonia's presence and turned around. At the sight of Emilio's still-innocent face, Sonia hesitated for a moment.

Emilio: ...are you going to hurt me too, miss...?

Sonia felt a massive power begin to emerge from Emilio's body.

Sonia: That power of's dangerous. I must eliminate it, here and now!


Holding Emilio's silent body in her arms, Sonia paused. Within her, a new, unfamiliar emotion began to stir.

Sonia: Everything is for Sir Keith's sake...but what is this empty feeling?

episode 6

Sonia noticed a girl heading to NOA all on her own, a girl whose power felt different from that of Sonia's comrades in NOA. She drew closer. She didn't recognize the girl...or did she? Now that she could see Wendy's face, there was a strange feeling in Sonia's heart. She stopped in confusion.

For her part, Wendy saw a unknown psychiccer appear before her and immediately got ready to fight.

Wendy: Get out of my way! I won't stop until I get my sister back!

Sonia: I feel like I know this girl...but from where...?


Wendy attacked Sonia with a furious whirlwind, and without thinking about it, Sonia fought back. The blast of electricity sent Wendy flying.

Wendy: Aaaaaaaaaghhh! me-!

When she heard Wendy's voice, the memories of Chris, memories that should've been lost, all came back to Sonia.

Sonia: That voice...Wendy?!

Sonia tore after the falling girl, flying frantically until she could catch Wendy and hold her close. She didn't loosen her grip until they were both on the ground, where she could gently lay her sister down.

Wendy: C-Chris...where are you? I...I can't see...

Sonia: W...Wendy...

Sonia grabbed Wendy's hand, holding it tightly.

Wendy: You're alive...I' glad...

Sonia: Wendy?! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!

episode 7

All Sonia could do was stand still in shock over what had just happened, until she heard a voice from behind her.

Wong: So, it seems your memories have finally returned.

Sonia: Wong!!

Wong leisurely approached Sonia.

Wong: Something a little extra was needed to complete the combat bioroid "Sonia". A human consciousness. Your heart was created from the mind of one of the developers.

Sonia: No... You mean that my thoughts - even my loyalty to NOA - are artificial...?

Wong stood silent. Right then, Sonia got ready to fight.

Wong: Well, you've done very well up until now. But I'm afraid that your usefulness will soon be coming to an end.

A terrible power began to emanate from Wong, at the same time Sonia unleashed her own abilities.

Sonia: You'll pay for this, Wong!


After Wong had fallen, all Sonia could do was stand still, frozen with regret.

Sonia: ...what have I been doing up until now? Oh, Wendy....

episode 8

Silence reigned in the depths of NOA. The hall was deserted but for Sonia and Keith.

Keith quietly watched Sonia.

Keith: I knew this day would come eventually. Will you to swear your loyalty to me once again?

Sonia: Your Sonia is dead. The one here before you is Wendy's sister, Chris.

NOA's hall fell silent once again, until that silence was torn to pieces by Keith's parting words.

Keith: I see...then as the leader of NOA, I will face you with all my strength.

The psychiccer Chris went to her final battle...

-Psychic Force Gamest Mook vol 38/Psychic Force Perfect Guide Book (Gamest Mook EX vol 12)...but Gamest Mook EX 12 is filled with weird misprints, so don't rely on it.