Emilio Mikaelov
Character profile
- Name: Emilio Mikaelov
- Birthdate: February 21, 1996
- Age: 14
- Blood type: A
- Height: 142.6 cm T/N: 4'8''
- Weight: 32.5 kg T/N: 71.6 lb
- Occupation: Psychic research test subject
- Birthplace: Russia
- Power: Light
- Hobby: None
- Personality: The introverted type that is easily bullied. And yet, he hates that he's like that.
-Psychic Force the Perfect World/pretty much every other guidebook
From his childhood, Emilio's psychic powers caused people to reject him and were the source of all his problems. But as long as his beloved mother was on his side, he was happy enough.
But one day, his mother suddenly stabbed him with a knife. Through his disbelief, Emilio could see from her eyes that she was serious. Ultimately, even his mother saw him as a burden. In that moment, when Emilio lost everything he could believe in, he unconsciously released the power hidden inside of him. By the time he came back to himself, there was nothing left of the city, not even a single tree. After that he spent many long years confined in a research laboratory, until Keith rescued him and brought him to NOA.
-Psychic Force Character Collection/Psychic Force Perfect Guide Book (Gamest Mook EX vol 12)
Gamest extended script
episode 1
Genma had noticed Emilio's abnormal power, and as one with the duty of protecting the peace of the world, felt he could not afford to overlook this boy. He stood in front of Emilio and quietly took his stance.
Genma: Your power is too great... It's too bad, but I cannot ignore this!
Emilio: Please, stop... I can't control this power....
Emilio was helpless to stop the power that overflowed out of him.
And then right in front of him, a victim of his power was lying there, silent...
Emilio: Again, that horrible power...it-!
episode 2
Emilio was unable to suppress his power after his fight with Genma. That caused his power to register on the psychosensors of the anti-psychiccer cyborg, Gates.
As Gates rapidly approached, he was able to confirm the target visually. ...Emilio Mikaelov, of Russia, cause of the infamous incident where his psychic power ran wild, psychiccer level A+....
Gates: Target confirmed... To think this child destroyed an entire city!
Gates approached Emilio in a rush of wind and Emilio's power, without his will, turned towards Gates.
Emilio: Stop! Get away from me....!
The rain soaked through Gates' outer armour. Emilio couldn't stop staring at the now-silent metal body that reflected so many images of his face...
Emilio: I didn't want to fight...so why did this happen?
episode 3
Completely exhausted, Emilio wandered around aimlessly. No matter where he went, he always ended up hurting people. Now he had no idea of where to go or what to do.
Sad memories rose up one after another. His mother...all the people he had hurt... Only Wendy had ever been kind to him.
Wendy: Emilio...you cursed child... I cannot allow you to live...
Wendy should've just been in Emilio's memories, but somehow she had appeared right in front of him.
Emilio: An illusion? ...why am I being picked on like this?
Before he even knew it, the illusion had vanished. Emilio restarted his wandering.
Emilio: Why won't they just leave me alone?
episode 4
Brad was watching Emilio with bloodthirsty eyes, but as he looked at the opponent who wanted to kill him, Emilio felt no fear. What Emilio felt towards Brad wasn't pity, nor sympathy, but a strange new feeling.
Brad: Blood! I need more blood! Graaaaaaaa!
Emilio: ...he's just like me. He's being used by his power too.
But contrary to Emilio's feelings, the power was already starting to be freed from the depths of his body...
After Brad had fallen still on the ground, Emilio turned and stumbled away.
Emilio: It's sad...that things like this happen, it's just too sad....
episode 5
Once again, Emilio and Sonia met. For her part, Sonia wanted Emilio's great power to be used for NOA's sake. If he did that, she was convinced it would lead to the happiness of all psychiccers.
But Emilio wasn't so sure. Could power really solve anyone's problems...?
Sonia: Sir Keith's ideals will save all psychiccers. Why can't you understand that?
Emilio: That...that's wrong....
Sonia heard Emilio's answer and began to gather her power...
While looking at Sonia's closed eyes, Emilio felt doubts about NOA beginning to sprout in his heart.
Emilio: Why must we fight like this...?
episode 6
Emilio didn't understand. Why did fellow psychiccers have to fight each other? Why was power so necessary for psychiccers to be happy? The only thing power could do was hurt people, after all...
Now Wong, a member of NOA, stood before him.
Emilio had met others members of NOA since his departure, but he didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. Without regard for his feelings, however, his defensive instincts were already steadily gathering his power.
Wong: You've become a slight inconvenience to my plans. I'll have to ask you to die.
Emilio: That's all right with me. I don't want to kill anyone!
After it was all over, there was nothing left but sorrow....
Emilio: Aaah...I did it again... My hands are covered in blood.
episode 7
Without conscious thought, Emilio headed towards NOA...
And now, having arrived in the depths of NOA, Emilio found himself face-to-face with Keith.
Keith: That great power would've been useful for my organization, but you're too dangerous as an enemy. I'll have to kill you...
Keith's psychic power level was rising rapidly. As if in response, the power inside Emilio also began to raise itself until it spilled over, much to Emilio's sorrow.
Emilio: I...I never wanted this... I never wanted this power....
In the face of Keith's overwhelming pressure, Emilio was unable to suppress his own power... And so Emilio's cry echoed from the hall in NOA's depths...
Emilio: Because of this power... Because I have this power.... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!
episode 8
Burn, in the middle of infiltrating NOA, heard the grief-stricken cry and hurried towards it. It only got more and more clear as he approached the source...which he recognized.
Burn: Emilio!
A wave of terrible power had run wild through the central hall in the depths of NOA. And in the centre of all the destruction, Emilio was still screaming.
Burn saw Keith's body lying still nearby and understood everything.
Burn: Emilio!! Hold on...stop! Don't blame yourself!
Emilio was beyond hearing, lost in the grief and anger that had taken control of his heart.
Emilio: Because of this... sob Because of this power...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!
Burn: No good, his power's running wild. At this rate...nothing'll be able to stop him...
For the sake of saving Emilio, Burn gathered all his power....
-Psychic Force Gamest Mook vol 38/Psychic Force Perfect Guide Book (Gamest Mook EX vol 12)