Brad Kilsten
Character profile
- Name: Brad Kilsten
- Birthdate: September 4, 1986
- Age: 24
- Blood type: AB
- Height: 178.3 cm T/N: 5'10''
- Weight: 61.8 kg T/N: 136.2 lb
- Occupation: Unknown
- Birthplace: Germany
- Power: Gravity
- Hobby: Likes flowers
- Personality: Has a split personality. (One extremely normal, one extremely vicious)
-Psychic Force the Perfect World/pretty much every other guidebook
For awhile now, Brad has been suffering blackouts, gaps in his memory where there is nothing. More than that, he always wakes up covered in blood after a blackout. Right when he was getting really scared of the blackouts, Brad learned the truth. Right in front of his eyes, on the side of a road, in the middle of the night, he saw a bloodstained corpse. And worse still, he was covered in blood - that didn't seem to be his. He felt an unreasonable rush of pleasure. And so he began to fear himself.
While "I have to kill myself" was endlessly swirling around in his head and he was praying for some help, from anywhere, Keith's telepathic broadcast burst into his head. This was the salvation he had been hoping for. So thinking, he set out for NOA.
-Psychic Force Character Collection/Psychic Force Perfect Guide Book (Gamest Mook EX vol 12)
Gamest extended script
episode 1
Brad ran across Emilio for the first time in awhile. Even though Emilio had left NOA, Brad had no real desire to fight him.
But the other Brad within him had begun to wake, and darkness began to fall before Brad's eyes. Emilio didn't notice anything wrong.
Emilio: Are you still with Keith...?
The darkness before Brad's eyes grew ever deeper, and he screamed.
Brad: Run, Emilio! Before the demon inside of me awakens...!
When the fog around Brad cleared, he was struck with the sight of Emilio lying still on the ground. Heartbroken, Brad fell to his knees.
Brad: Sir even your power no longer enough to restrain me?
episode 2
Once again, darkness rose inside of Brad and he fought desperately to suppress the other him inside. That was when the magician Genma appeared before him. While Brad's body twisted in pain, Genma spoke.
Genma: Your face is filled with sorrow. What's wrong?
Brad's eyes turned towards Genma. When the maddened personality inside Brad caught a glimpse of new prey, it burst forth in a rush that Brad had no hope of stopping.
Brad: No....I don't kill anyone...anymore....
When Brad regained his senses, he fled the area without looking at the aftermath. He didn't need to see he had done.
Brad: Aah...I killed again. Someone, please...kill me, soon!
episode 3
The Anti NOA psychiccer, Burn, stood in front of Brad, already preparing for a fight. Brad, meanwhile, could feel the familiar, horrible, lust for blood raging within him. The other personality inside of him shivered with joy at the thought of battle.
Burn: What's wrong? Come on and fight already. If you don't, I will!
Brad: Please, listen to me...just leave. If you don't...I'm going to end up killing you.
Brad's blood still boiled, even after the battle was over. That wasn't normal. His heart still lusted for fresh blood, despite his senses returning. It was like the other him was taking over his mind.
Brad: pant pant It's no use...I...I'm losing myself...
episode 4
Sonia stood in front of Brad, but when he looked at her, his eyes showed only the desire to kill. The tiny sliver of reason that remained in his heart fought to the end to resist, but it was too late. Brad's body belonged to his madness, and now even a comrade and friend was nothing more than prey.
Sonia: Focus, Brad. It's me, Sonia! Don't you recognize me?
On the verge of vanishing forever, Brad's last remaining bit of reason wrung out one last shaking word.
Brad: Sonia...don't come any closer! I can't hold myself back anymore....!
Sonia: ...Brad...
Sonia, though fatally injured, used the last of her strength to call out Brad's name. But her shaking voice never reached him. That last, small spark of reason and understanding had been lost forever.
Brad: So...nia... I'm*...already...
Brad's body released a sudden, horrible burst of psycho power.
Brad: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
The echos of Brad's scream quickly faded away. Silence fell all around him.
In the midst of the silence, Brad stood perfectly still. His mouth rose in a cold, cruel smile.
Brad: Heheheheh... No one can stop me now.
*T/N: Japanese pronoun check. Good Brad uses the humble boku, and this line is where he switches to the rougher ore. Good Brad's already dead.
episode 5
Brad's mind was now completely lost to madness, and he sought to satisfy his lust for blood via random battles. He found the psychiccer Wendy.
Wendy: You look pretty strong and all, but you're no match for me.
Brad: Shut up! I'm going to slice those pretty little legs of yours into ribbons!
Wendy fell before Brad's eyes, all her previous vim and vigor drained away. But this was not enough to satisfy the desires within him.
Brad: What? Over so soon? But I haven't finished turning you into mincemeat yet!
episode 6
Brad hunted for new prey, and found the army-developed battle cyborg, Gates.
The wind swirling around him, Brad swept down upon his quarry. But in the instant before he struck, Gates intercepted Brad's attack and shifted into battle mode.
Gates: It's useless. Your power cannot even scratch my body. ...eliminating.
Brad: What the hell did you say, you worthless monkey?! I'm gonna turn your face into sushi!*
Brad shook with joy as he crushed Gates' body beneath his feet.
Brad: Hyahahahahahahah! God, there's nothing like this feeling!
*T/N: Technically namasu, but eh, close enough.
episode 7
While wandering around dark alleys in search of new prey, Brad felt someone's presence in the shadow in front of him. His red eyes glowed with a strange light as he swung his claws towards the shadow, but they merely whistled through the air. Berserk with fury at the failure of his expectations, Brad flailed wildly at the shadows around him.
Behind him, Wong watched with a cool gaze.
Wong: If this is what you're going to do, then I have no more use for you.
Brad spun around, his killing rage swelling up against Wong.
Brad: You stuck-up sonovabitch! I'll slice you up so bad even your own parents won't recognize you!
When Wong's body fell at his feet, Brad kicked him up into the air again and again.
Brad: Not so stuck-up now, huh, you annoying little insect!*
*T/N: The actual line is something about the juggling, but I just could not figure out how to put that into English.
episode 8
In the depths of NOA, Brad aimed at the biggest prey of all: the leader of NOA, Keith.
Brad walked leisurely towards Keith, his claws clattering against each other with an eerie sound the entire way. Though Keith fought desperately with his psychic power to bring Brad back under control, the light of madness never once wavered in Brad's eyes.
Keith: ...damn! So my power is no longer enough to restrain him...
Brad: There ain't anyone in the entire world who can hold me back! Die! Diiieee! Just die alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Brad's power flew out in all directions, and Keith quietly prepared himself for battle.
Keith: choice, then. I will release you from this suffering.
The war cry of the tragic bloodthirsty killer's slaughter echoed throughout NOA....
-Psychic Force Gamest Mook vol 38/Psychic Force Perfect Guide Book (Gamest Mook EX vol 12)...but Gamest Mook EX 12 has a pretty major misprint on episode 7, so don't rely on it.